Silica Gel Cat Litter
Views:1487 Updated:2019-08-30

Operating steps:

1. Put the cat litter into the bottom of the cat sand basin 5-8 centimeters thick.

2. Cat litter will change color when it absorbs water from feces and urine. When 80% of cat litter changes color, cat owners should clean and replace cat litter in time.

Silica Gel Cat Litter

Silica Gel cat litter is high-grade cat litter products. The following main characteristics of Silica Gel cat litter are as follows:

Powerful Deodorization: It can tightly absorb the odor in urine or feces and keep the air in your room fresh and odorless.

Durable effect: 4 liters/bag of cat litter can be used by a cat for more than two weeks.

Strong antimicrobial activity:

Easy to handle: Silica Gel cat litter does not cake, leave no marks, no dust, light weight, less garbage, convenient and safe daily use.